National Graduate Research Polymer Conference
More Info:
We invite POLY Student Members to propose their university for hosting the next National Graduate Research Polymer Conference. The experience is quite rewarding! All proposal submissions and reviews are handled electronically. The application form linked to this site includes all the details required for this initial review.
A call for proposals typically goes out in the Fall of Odd years and the event will be held on a 2-year cycle. Watch for the next announcement or contact the POLY Business Office (lesiar@vt.edu). The completed application form should be e-mailed to the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY) Business Office: lesiar@vt.edu with cc: to the POLY Workshop Committee Chair (Currently: Prof. Marc Hillmyer hillmyer@umn.edu.) For additional questions call: 540-231-3029.
Previous National Graduate Research Polymer Conference Locations
1. Penn State, 1994
2. VA Tech, 1996
3. University of Akron, 1998
4. Southern Mississippi Univ., 2000
5. Lehigh, 2003
6. UMASS, 2005
7. UT Knoxville, 2007
8. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.
9. Case Western Reserve University, 2012.
10. Louisiana State Univ., 2014
11. University of Akron, 2016
12. University of Minnesota, 2018
13. Virginia Tech (virtual), 2021